Usually insurance companies are not in a hurry to pay money to a victim injured by their client. In fact, they have a strong incentives to pay as little as possible, and to wait as long as possible before making payment.
It means nothing to an insurance company if a person injured by their client is out of work and has financial obligations, such as mortgage payments, household expenses, and college tuition payments. By delaying settlements or trial as long as possible, insurance companies know that the injured person (and their family) will be more likely to accept a much lower settlement, as their financial position becomes more dire.
We Understand the Financial Pressures of Being Injured, and We Work Hard to Keep the Pressure on Insurance Companies
We start by providing the insurance company with the documentation and evidence that is usually required internally to consider an appropriate settlement. We work hard to disprove their theories for avoiding liability. We are firm in our negotiations, and make it clear that if an acceptable settlement is not presented, we are well-prepared to go to trial.
Insurance Companies Know that We Mean What We Say
When a fair settlement is not offered, we will go to trial. We have won many cases on behalf of our clients. In some cases, the amount of the jury award greatly exceeded the amount that our client was willing to accept in a settlement.
We Let Insurance Companies Know That When They Fail to Offer a Fair Settlement For the Injuries and Damages Caused by Their Clients, They Face Losing Much More at Trial
Find out how we will tenaciously work for you to get you the full compensation to which you are entitled. There is no fee for our services unless we recover a settlement or award for you.