We Represent Those Injured in Construction Site Accidents Resulting from the Negligence of Others, and From Defective Products
Construction sites are filled with many possible dangers. These dangers range from equipment dangers associated with falling from rooftops or other heights, dangers from falling material, and dangers from power lines.
Construction Safety
Most construction companies are very concerned about safety and have frequent (sometimes daily) meetings to discuss how to operate in a safe manner. These meetings may include a discussion about the type of work to be done that day, safety goals, and identifying possible sources of risk.
Unfortunately, construction companies sometimes place profit over safety. As a result, employees may be hired who have little or no regard to safety procedures. Additionally, they may not be properly qualified for the job, which may result in others being placed at risk. Subcontractors may also be allowed to work at a construction site without being informed of on-site safe work practices.
When Construction Accidents Occur, We Want to Know All Contributing Factors
When accidents happen and workers are injured or killed at construction sites, it is our job on behalf of our clients to find out why. It is also our job to obtain for clients and for their families just compensation for the injuries or death that have resulted.
Often, there are multiple causes of construction site accidents. While a worker may be limited against their employer under Michigan workers’ compensation laws, these same limitations do not apply to others who are responsible for an accidents, such as subcontractors and the manufacturers of defective equipment.
Please Call Us to Find Out How We May Be Able to Help
We represent those injured in construction site accidents, and the families of those killed, on a contingency fee basis. This means that there are no fees owed to us unless and until we recover compensation.
We offer a free consultation so that you may learn about how we can represent you, and so that you can meet our attorneys and team. Once we learn about your case, we can explain how we will work hard to get you the compensation that you are entitled to.