What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a disorder of motor function; so walking, using your hands, using your limbs and your extremities to do things. And the reason that disorder exists is because there’s underlying neurological issues preventing a person from being able…

What are the Signs of a Birth Injury?

Whenever a healthy baby is born and has to spend extended time in the hospital, usually more than two or three days after birth, there’s always questions as to whether perhaps this child was injured during the course of their…

Do I Have a Birth Injury Lawsuit?

If you or your loved one were injured during their pregnancy, during their labor or delivery, then you may have a case. Preventable mistakes and errors often occur. During these periods of time. I’ve seen firsthand through my many years…

World’s Tiniest Baby Ever to Survive, Goes Home

Science and technology has expanded the care that can be provided to premature infants. In San Diego, the world’s smallest baby, born at just 23 weeks gestation, went home after a five month NICU stay. Weighing just 8.6 ounces, she…

Study of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Science and investors in research should be committed to the study of pregnancy and safe childbirth. In representing mothers and babies injured by birth trauma, it is my mission to help women understand their pregnancies and ensure that we are improving…

Expectant Moms and Quality Care

When expectant moms have access to quality care, it makes a difference. New Georgetown study shows that maternal and infant mortality rates declined in states where Medicaid was expanded. https://ccf.georgetown.edu/2019/05/09/medicaid-expansion-fills-gaps-in-maternal-health-coverage-leading-to-healthier-mothers-and-babies/?fbclid=IwAR2kL1cvYKWbFYBdSSDKgUIj3b-ldhQgdLUWpmpBjbJ5Xb9mW6Uu5qwfTj4 Hospitals know how to protect expectant mothers. They just aren’t…